SEETEL: January 11, 2020

Engaged Dialogues with EPL Faculty about Strengthening Equity and Excellence for Teachers of ELs (SEETEL)

Presenters: Dr. Kim Song & Dr. Lisa Dorner


January 11, 2020 COE Administrator


Time Topic
9:00 am Informed Consent and Surveys
9:15 am Introduction to CIS Network and Deans for Impact
9:20 am Round Robin Introductions
9:45 am SEETEL & Literature Circle for Debrief
10:15 am Teachers’ Mindset for EL Teaching (LCRCT)
11:00 am Working Lunch
11:30 am Syllabus Analysis
12:10 pm Policy Landscape for EBL & Closure


Tags: Agendas, SEETEL

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