CPQC - September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018 COE Administrator

Attending:  Mike Bahr, John Doyle, Brian Huxtable, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, Melanie Zamachaj, Zena Guldemberg, and Javania Webb

Approved: Today’s agenda and the May 2018 meeting minutes were approved by consensus.

Action Items:

  • Review of CPQC Bylaws and appointments
  • Leadership appointments
    • Election of committee chairperson
    • CPQC subcommittees
      • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee
      • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
      • Education Subcommittee
  • Approval of courses to be dropped and added

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update (Kimberly)
    • Project: full analysis of MOGEA has been started over the summer and there will be a recommendation to drop the writing score as it was found that it has no value or validity with how it is scored
    • Kimberly will be presenting at MACD in October and will invite other schools to send over data to be included in the results
    • Mizzou and UMSL data will be crunched together
    • Working on the CAEP accreditation which is due February 13, 2019
    • Going to CAEP Conference in Washington D.C with Mike Bahr September 12-15 and will have a better understanding of what they are really looking for once returning.
  • Election of committee chairperson
    • Mike Bahr Nominated
      • Motion to approve Mike Bahr as chairperson: motion passed unanimously
  • Approvals of Courses (DROPPED):
    • Decisions for the courses to be dropped were decided at the Education Certification Subcommittee under April Regester’s leadership
      • Motion for these courses to be dropped: James
        • Second motion for these courses to be dropped: Shawn
          • Motion passed unanimously
    • Package 1—Courses for Drop:
      • ELE ED 6688: Literacy Assessment to Guide Instruction
      • SEC ED 4648: Mathematics Teaching Seminar
      • SEC ED 4837: Chemistry/Physics Teaching Seminar
      • SEC ED 4888: English Teaching Seminar
      • SEC ED 5012: Social Studies Teaching Advanced Seminar
      • SEC ED 5374: Foreign Language Teaching Advanced Seminar
      • SEC ED 5648: Mathematics Teaching Advanced Seminar
      • SEC ED 5888: English Teaching Advanced Seminar
      • SEC ED 5999: Biology Teaching Advanced Seminar
      • ECH ED 4991: Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education II
      • HLTH PE 5990: Practicum II: Site Based Health Experiences in Health and Physical Education
  • Courses for Approval:
    • ED ADA 7050: The Research Proc I: Framing Research Questions within the Ed Lit
      • Motion for these courses to be added: Shawn
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: James
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • ELE ED 6241: Science Content, Inquiry-Based Instruction, and Assessment: STEM-Integrated Pedagogy
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • HLTH PE: 5989: Practicum I: Site Based Experience in Health and Physical Education
      • Motion for these courses to be added: Zena
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: James
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • PHY ED: 3468: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Physical Education
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • PHY ED4193: Clinical Experience in Youth Sport Programs
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • PHY ED 6475: Motor Learning & Control 
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • SPEC ED 6372: Screening and Diagnosis of Development Delays: Birth to 5 Years
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • TCH ED 5310: Instructional Design
      • Motion for these courses to be added: -
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: -
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • HLTH PE: 5992 Practicum I: Site Based Experience in Health and Physical Educa on, 12 Week Placement
      • Motion for these courses to be added: Shawn 
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: James
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • HLTH PE: 5992: Practicum II: Site Based Experience in Health and Physical Educa on, 4 Week Placement Educa on Grades 9-12
      • Motion for these courses to be added: Shawn
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: James
          • Motion passed unanimously 
    • PHY ED 6464: Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education
      • Motion for these courses to be added: Zena
        • Second motion for these courses to be added: James
          • Motion passed unanimously 

CPQC Subcommittees: motion passed unanimously for all three 

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee
    • James Shuls nominated as the point person
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    • Shawn Woodhouse nominated as the point person
  • Education Certification Subcommittee
    • April Regester nominated as the point person


  • Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 3, 2018, in the Boeing Room from 1-3 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb on September 12, 2018.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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