Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, James Shuls, Zeena Goldenberg, Mary Edwin, Melanie Zamachaj, Katie O’Daniels, Phillip Waalkes and Javania Webb
Agenda Approved:
Motion approved unanimously to approve September 4, 2019 agenda
Leadership appointments:
- Mike went over the purpose of this committee and explained the procedures/workflow
- Mentioned accreditation with CAEP: Site visit November 10-12, 2019
- Election of committee chairperson
- Mike was nominated to remain chairperson
- James moved motion for Mike to remain chairperson
- Julie seconded
- Motion was approved unanimously
- Election of committee chairperson
- CPQC subcommittees
- Education Certification Subcommittee
- Mike suggested that the committee appoint, by acclamation, Julie to remain subcommittee chair
- Motion was approved unanimously
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee
- James was nominated to remain chair of this subcommittee
- Mary moved motion for James to remain chair
- Nancy seconded
- Motion was approved unanimously
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee
- Mike suggested that the committee appoint, by acclamation, Shawn to remain subcommittee chair
- Motion was approved unanimously
- Education Certification Subcommittee
Minutes Approved: April 3, 2019 meeting minutes were approved
- Julie moved motion to approve the minutes from April 2019
- Mary seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:
- Melanie gave an updated from the office:
- Behind the scene CODES on MYCOE are being worked on by Brian and John, they continue to find more bugs the deeper they go
- Melanie and Brian has been working with Deans for Impact, there are two surveys given randomly to candidates by professors: 1. Learning by scientific design and 2. Teaching beliefs & mindset
- Closing the loop- will be a new meeting developed for faculty this year and will cover continuous improvement programs and this survey will go out to certain faculty and this will be the topic of all faculty sessions. First session will be next Wednesday 9-11-19 and John and Melanie will go over and present more about the vision of these sessions.
- Closing the loop will be PAPERLESS
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- No report
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- No report
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- No report
Review of EDUC course proposals:
- Mike motioned to go through courses individually because of new members being a part of the committee
- EDUC 5612 - Intrapersonal Leadership
- New course proposed by Theresa Coble who is helping to create a new Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate with the College of Business and two classes will be under the COE as well as other disciplines in other colleges.
- Zeena moved motion to approve course
- Katie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDUC 5616 - Accelerate Entrepreneurial Experience
- New course proposed by Theresa Coble who is helping to create a new Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate with the College of Business and two classes will be under the COE as well as other disciplines in other colleges.
- James moved motion to approve course
- Mary seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDUC 7050 - The Research Process 1
- Approved contingent upon editing second sentence of course description
- Mary moved motion to approve course
- Zeena seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDUC 7200 - English Academic Support
- Proposed by Theresa Coble to address Chinese students in order to transition to writing the dissertation
- Questions that need answered:
- Will this replace the EAP course that all international students are required to take
- Will this be repeatable throughout the doctoral process
- Is this a structured content or academic support course? Please clarify.
- Verify that future international students will be able to take this course from any discipline
- Vote will be tabled until more questions are answered about the course
- James moved motion to hold vote
- Zeena seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Proposed by Theresa Coble to address Chinese students in order to transition to writing the dissertation
- EDUC 7625 - Building Socially Just & Ethical Educational Communities
- Removed Legal & Ethical Course and combined the two going forward
- Julie moved motion to approve course
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- All in favor of the course contingent upon editing the course description “This course will examine the role of culture, analyze, and consider ethical and legal issues for learning communities.
- EDUC 7635 - Ethical & Legal Issues in Educational Practice
- This course is being dropped from the Ed.D program
- James moved motion to approve course
- Katie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
Review of EPL program / course proposals:
- SEC ED 5992 - Practicum I: Graduate Site Based Experience in Music
- Mary moved motion to approve course
- Zeena seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDITED: Motion approved contingent upon credit hour approval and Julie and Melanie will follow up and course description needs to be edited to ‘managing classrooms’.
- SEC ED 5993 - Practicum II: Graduate Site Based Experience in Music: 12 Week Placement
- James moved motion to approve course
- Phil seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDITED: Motion approved contingent upon credit hour approval and Julie and Melanie will follow up and course description needs to be edited to ‘managing classrooms’. Also Seminar included needs to be clarified.
- The full edited description version will be ‘Students will take this Couse concurrently with SEC ED 5994
- SEC ED 5994 - Practicum II: Graduate Site Based Experience in Music: 4 Week Placement
- Katie moved motion to approve course
- Mary seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- EDITED: Motion approved contingent upon credit hour approval and Julie and Melanie will follow up and course description needs to be edited to ‘managing classrooms’.
- ECETS: EM5: B.S. in Elementary
- Elementary / Middle School Program revision was rolled back from the Graduate School because it was too similar to the Undergraduate Program
- Changes were minor words and location of word choice
- Mary moved motion to approve course
- Katie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously contingent upon the description being changed to ‘This area of specialization in Elementary Education prepares students to teach in grades 5-9.
Other Items:
- None
Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 2, in the Boeing Room from 1-3pm.
Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, September 05, 2019
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