CPQC - September 2, 2020

September 2, 2020 COE Administrator


Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, Phillip Waalkes, Melanie Zamachaj, Doris Villarreal, Shawn Woodhouse, Julie Beauregard, Mary Edwin, Lynn Navin, Kimberly Schroeder, Katie O’Daniels, and Javania Webb

Agenda Approved

  • Motion to approve the agenda by proclamation
    • Approved unanimously

Leadership Appointments

  • Julie motioned to open the nominations for chair of the committee
    • Katie seconded the motion
  • Phillip nominated himself for the chair of the committee 
    • Mary moved to close nominations 
      • Katie seconded 
        • Phillip was voted for the chair unanimously 
  • Julie will be the chair for the Education Certification Subcommittee
    (Julie, Lindsay, Julie, Jennifer, Vanessa, Fatemeh, Susan, Stephanie, Ellen, Lynn, Chanua, Nancy, Kim, Nicolle, ShaQuina, & Melanie will be members of this committee)
  • Mary will be the chair Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee
    (Mary, Rocko, Katie, Pat, & Emily will be members of this committee) 
  • Shawn will be the chair for Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    (Shawn, Phillip, will be members of this committee)

Minutes Approved 

  • Mary made motion to approve May 2020 minutes
    • Katie seconded
      • Approved unanimously
  • Mary approved the minutes for May 2020 meeting
    • Katie seconded
      • Minutes approved unanimously

Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation

  • Kimberly updated the office and shared that her last day will be September 30th. 
  • Working hard on the accreditation Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation(AAQEP) self study is due on the 30th of November and working on the draft being completed by September 11th. 
  • Melanie is working on the academic matrices for the courses that are aligned with the State

Review of course and program proposals

  • Mary moved motion to approve the course proposals as a block 
    • Mike seconded the motion

EPL Program Drop Proposals

  • Minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages K-12
  • Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Teaching
    • The programs are not being used and will be removed from the system and if needed to reopen back up in the future it will be able to do so, these programs will be archived. 
  • Lynn moved to drop these course proposals 
    • Katie seconded 
      • Approved unanimously

ESPP Program/Courses

  • ED FND 6201: Race, Trauma, & Education (new course)
    • Mary moved the motion to approve the ED FND 6201 new course 
      • Mike seconded the motion
        • Approved unanimously
  • ED FND 6204: Intersectional Justice in Education (new course)
    • Dorris moved the motion to approve the ED FND 6204 new course
      • Lynn seconded the motion
        • Approved unanimously
  • ED PSY 6542 : Social-Emotional and Behavior Interventions (course change)
    • Julie moved the motion to approve the ED PSY 6542 new course
      • Katie seconded the motion
      • This will be approved with contingency on editing the second sentence (the course emphasis research based…) third sentence (students must have a concurrent placement in the school or related setting) - Mike Bhard will make edits in Course Leaf
        • Approved unanimously

Proposal for new Social Justice EdD cohort

  • Julie moved the motion to look at the new Social Justice EdD cohort
    • Mary seconded the motion
      • Approved unanimously
  • Shawn will go through the proposal and make any editorial edits 
    • Katie moved the motion to approve the new Social Justice EdD cohort
      • Mary seconded the motion
        • Approved unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm

Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 7th over Zoom from 1-3pm.

Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, September 3, 2020.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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