CPQC - September 12, 2017

September 12, 2017 COE Administrator

Attendees:  Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, Angela Coker, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Brian Huxtable, Pat Kopetz, Bill Kyle, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, and Melanie Zamachaj

Welcome and Introductions 
Ann Taylor stopped by and gave a few introductory remarks, christening the new committee and welcoming the committee members. Mike Bahr facilitated the meeting until a committee chair was elected.  

Review of CPQC Bylaws and Appointments
Mike brought attention to the bylaws and appointments.


  • Election of Committee Chairperson
    • Mike Bahr was elected committee chairperson by acclamation.
  • Designation of a Secretary
    • Melanie Zamachaj volunteered to be secretary.

CPQC Subcommittees

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee
    • Committee members: Matthew Davis, Pat Kopetz, Alina Slapac
    • Pat explained how the committee worked in the past under the direction of Kathie Haywood, meeting twice a year to review applications and to decide how money was awarded. Bill Kyle suggested that the proposals that formerly went to Carla Frierson now be sent to Laura Watt. It is unclear now if money appropriated in the Fall will be for the entire year. An announcement will be sent when funding determination has been made.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    • Committee members: Theresa Coble, Matthew Davis, Bill Kyle
    • Theresa volunteered to be on the committee. Committee meeting time has been set up for the third Wednesday of the month.
  • Education Certification Subcommittee
    • Unique membership needs
    • Procedures/workflow
    • Course proposals
    • Mike mentioned that with all the DESE certification issues in the past six to eight months, there is a need more than ever for the Education Certification Subcommittee. TEC as we know it no longer exists, but the new committee structure is based on its former bylaws and will take on its tasks. As of the last TEC meeting, 14 EPIR course proposals are waiting for action.
    • April said that there are 22 committee members, which she feels is a good representation of those involved in the certification process. She also mentioned  that there was discussion at the last TEC meeting about who needs to be represented on the committee since some certification courses are listed in programs outside of EPIR (e.g., ED PSY and EDUC courses).
    • Mike referred the committee to the Proposed CPQC Workflow for Proposals from Certification Programs handout. In summary, the department will enter the course proposal in CourseLeaf, which will be forwarded to Mike, who then informs CPQC. The proposal will be then sent to the Ed Cert Subcommittee and reviewed. If approved, the proposal will be sent back to CPQC for a vote. If not approved, CPQC will be informed and Mike will send the course proposal back to the department for revision.
    • Theresa asked what replaces GEC? What about master’s degree, non-certification courses? It was decided that this will be placed on the October 4 agenda for future discussion.
    • Mike pointed out that the emphasis now is on certification. Certification course proposal workflow will be as follows: Department, CPQC, Ed Cert Subcommittee, CPCQ, College (vote should be pro-forma, but also a procedural safeguard).
    • Non-certification course proposal: Department, then directly to CPQC for vote.
  • The following faculty will have the role of liaison from their respective subcommittees to CPQC:
    • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant – Pat Kopetz
    • Doctoral Program – Theresa Coble and Bill Kyle 
    • Education Certification – April Regester

Course/program proposals

  • Need to identify courses impacting multiple programs (April)
  • April stated the pressing need for organization of our course information so that we can check it for accuracy and ensure program quality. She suggested creating a grid of undergrad and grad courses and documenting information such as what programs use these courses, what is their certification status, are they listed in the bulletin and advising sheets correctly, do they have embedded course assessments, have there been any course changes, etc. It would be ideal to have this information in a place that could be easily accessed by program chairs, faculty, advisors, staff, and all other interested parties.
  • Brian will research creating such a grid built with attributes already available and will check MyCOE’s connectivity with CourseLeaf’s API. April and Brian will work together on this and give the committee an update at the next meeting on October 4.

Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation (Kimberly)

  • Kimberly gave an overview of OEEA’s responsibilities: data needs in the college;  state and federal reporting (APR, Title II); faculty requests; and accreditation (self-study due in early 2019, site visit in late 2019).


  • Mike brought up that courses approved under a one-time Dean’s approval need to be in the curriculum approval process.
  • April will chair the meeting next month due to Mike being out on jury duty.
  • Meeting ended at 2:00 pm. Next meeting will be October 4 in the Boeing Room from 1-3 pm. 

Minutes prepared by Melanie Zamachaj, 9-29-2017.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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