Members Attending: Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Brian Huxtable, Pat Kopetz, Bill Kyle, Timothy Makubuya, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, Melanie Zamachaj
Also attending: Susan Kashubeck-West, Ellen Meadows
Approved: Today’s agenda and the September meeting minutes.
PhD in Education, Counseling Emphasis Area:
Susan Kashubeck-West spoke about the revisions to the Ph.D. program in Counseling. The program requirements were revised in order to be in compliance with the 2016 CACREP standards and to be competitive with other Ph.D. programs in Counseling. Dissertation hours were cut from 12 hours to 6 hours. The program was also streamlined to align with other COE Ph.D. tracks. Anticipated university approval Fall 2018 (all COE Ph.D. programs).
- Program change request
- Motion to approve program change: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
Action Item: Proposals from the Education Certification Subcommittee
Mike Bahr suggested putting together a “consent package” for multiple proposals needing approval in the future. It was decided that Mike, Shawn Woodhouse, and Kathleen Fink will propose consent agendas from course proposals submitted from the Ed Certification Subcommittee.
- ECH ED 6348:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- ECH ED 6535:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- EDUC 1001:
- Change to 30 clock hours
- Minor edits
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- HLTH PE 3275:
- Prerequisite added
- Motion to approve course change: April Regester
- Seconded: James Shuls
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: James Shuls
- HLTH PE 3277:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Minor edits
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- PHY ED 3261:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Minor edits
- Motion to approve course change: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- SEC ED 5989:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Members weighed the benefits of consistency with other course descriptions vs. grammatical correctness of this course description
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- TCH ED 3310:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Motion to approve course change: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- TCH ED 5312:
- Title and description change to better match content of course and end confusion at DESE
- Motion to approve course change: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- TCH ED 6565:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Motion to approve course change: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angela Coker
- TCH ED 6566:
- Credit hour change to line up with DESE requirements
- Minor grammatical changes were suggested
- Motion to approve course change: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: April Regester
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: April Regester
- PHY ED 2136:
- New course
- Course is requirement for BES program
- Course is currently offered on one-time dean’s approval
- Changes suggested to course description
- Motion to approve new course: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- TCH ED 5880:
- New course
- Required for DESE Certification requirements
- Motion to approve new course: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- TCH ED 6271,TCH ED 6272, TCH ED 6278, TCH ED 6281, TCH ED 6282:
- New courses
- Consortium wrote curriculum and course descriptions for math specialist program so cannot change.
- Because of the nature of these courses, they were packaged up.
- Motion to treat courses as single package: Bill Kyle
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion to pass package of courses: Bill Kyle
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
Discussion Items:
- M.Ed. Committee:
- No longer exists.
- April said that Alina Slapac expressed the hope that CPQC would take up the tasks of the M.Ed. committee.
- There’s thought the committee should be revived.
- Timothy suggested getting all the program directors together to answer an issue raised by April: there’s no director of elementary education.
- Mike will notify Ann to pull together directors of master’s programs and where there is not an identifiable coordinator, they will suggest one.
- OEEA Update:
- Brian spoke of meeting with clinical educators and their discussing how a syllabi grid would help them. This grid was previously discussed in the CPQC meeting in September.
- Brian also referred to communications with ITS and the issues they’re having with calculating content GPA. He outlined a roadmap of how to fix this issue.
- Other:
- Mike reminded elected committee members to look at proposals before the meeting.
- He will talk to Ann to get point of contact people to attend a meeting.
- Next meeting will be November 1 in the Boeing Room from 1-3 pm.
Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj and John Doyle, October 28, 2017
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