Attending: Mike Bahr, John Doyle, Brian Huxtable, Nikki Hurless, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, Melanie Zamachaj, Zeena Goldenberg, Theresa Coble, and Javania Webb
Approved: Today’s agenda and September 5, 2018 meeting minutes were approved with a few edits by consensus.
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation (Brian):
- Continuously working with CAEP and completing assignments for accreditation that is coming up in January.
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- Meeting today at 3pm, talked about proposed timeline for applications regarding travel awards; November 1.
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- Met briefly; changing admissions guidelines and possibly the GRE score requirements
- Develop and write student handbook as well as a doctoral handbook
- 1st EDD partnership with Shenyang Normal University. 1st year will take courses in China and year 2 and 3 will be finished in St. Louis
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- No updates, this committee has not met yet.
Review of course / program proposals:
- Senate Curriculum and Instruction C & I and the Graduate Council has 4 different changes that are as follows:
- No incomplete sentences on proposals
- Be sure that if you are choosing to not write full sentences-so so throughout the entire description, don’t float back and forth
- Perquisite should be ‘Graduate Standing and Consent of the instructor’
- Perquisite for a satisfactory / unsatisfactory requirement do not put a grade of ‘S’ because if they completed a course it would automatically be satisfactory
- It was recommended to move forward to approve or deny course proposals even though they will have to be edited. Mike, Shawn and Ann will edit them.
- Motion and seconded to move ahead on course approvals and program proposals
- Motion passed unanimously
- Packet 1:
- CNS ED 6300: Foundation of Clinical Mental Health Counseling Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 6370: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum I Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 6375: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum II Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 6380: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Field Experience Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- Courses:
- CNS ED 7030: Counselor Education and Supervision of Individuals and Groups Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 7035: Counselor Education and Supervision Practicum Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 7075: Teaching, Learning and Technology in Counselor Education Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 7780: Doctoral Internship Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- TCH ED 5310A: Instructional Design: Lesson Planning for Teachers Motion and seconded to approve : All in favor said ‘I’ Motion passed unanimously
- Proposal:
- CNSED-GEM3: CNSED-GEM3: M.Ed. Counseling Clinical Mental Health Emphasis
- Motion and seconded to move ahead on course approvals and program proposals
Other Items
- Theresa Coble asked to have a program Social Entrepreneurship: BES, ED TECH proposal reviewed and voted on
- James Shuls moved motion to suspend typical committee procedures and allow review of the BES and ED TECH proposals
- Shawn Woodhouse second the motion
- Motion passed unanimously
- Shawn Woodhouse second the motion
- Three changes were submitted:
- add track BES Social Entrepreneurship
- 21 credits across campus and 15 internship hours
- Substitute course EDUC 2002 instead of EDUC 4730 ; Substitute course CNS 3200 instead of ED PSYCH 2112
- Shawn Woodhouse motioned to approve changes and approve BES Program
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- Motion passed unanimously
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- James Shuls moved motion to suspend typical committee procedures and allow review of the BES and ED TECH proposals
- Theresa Coble spoke for Keith Miller to have two courses approved
- New Graduate Course ED TECH 5420 Computer Programming and Pedagogy
- New Undergraduate Course ED TECH 3420 Teaching Computer Programming
- Theresa Coble Motion to approve to talk about course ED TECH 5420
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- Motion to add course ED TECH 5420
- Motion passed unanimously
- Motion to add course ED TECH 5420
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- Theresa Coble motion to approve to talk about course ED TECH 3420
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- Motion to add course ED TECH 3420
- Motion passed unanimously
- Motion to add course ED TECH 3420
- James Shuls seconded the motion
- Theresa Coble mentioned that it has been encouraged to start a second ED.D Cohort under Heritage Leadership and will follow up with Shawn Woodhouse
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