Attending: Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, James Shuls, Ellen Duncan, Mary Edwin, Kimberly Schroeder, Shawn Woodhouse, Phillip Waalkes, and Javania Webb
Agenda Approved:
Motion approved unanimously to approve October 2, 2019 agenda
Minutes Approved:
- September 4, 2019 meeting minutes were approved
- Julie moved motion to approve minutes
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James seconded
- Julie moved motion to approve minutes
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:
- Kimberly gave an updated from the office:
- Still working on re-accreditation efforts to clarify the addendum by November 2, 2019. CAEP will be here for the site visit.
- Continuous: Melanie and Brian has been working with Deans for Impact, there’s two surveys given randomly to professors: 1. Learning by scientific design and 2. Teaching beliefs & mindset
- The current results for the surveys that have been taken as of now: Survey Point 1: 91.6% Survey Point 2: 80.3% and there is no rate for Survey Point 3 because students have not gotten to this stage yet. Also the results are really good because it is embedded into 43 courses which will be completed over the next two years.
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- No formal updates
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- No formal updates
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- Updates to the Ed.D program have been submitted and is awaiting approval.
- The timelines and course sequence for the Ed.D Program
- Want to add more research courses
- The committee has reviewed and provided some editorial changes and want these changes to be added to paperwork and for it to be shown that this program changed is backed by the Curriculum and Program Quality Committee.
- James moved motion to approve changes
- Julie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James also made mention that he would like to see it in writing that those in the Ed.D Program with hopes of getting the Ed.S Certification that they will be able to change courses on a case by case scenario. James will work with Shawn, Ann and Tina to get clarification.
- Julie seconded
- Updates to the Ed.D program have been submitted and is awaiting approval.
Review of course and program proposals:
- Julie motioned to go through courses for approval or denial
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James seconded
- CNS ED 6615
- Approved contingent upon editing: second sentence of course description should be changed to active voice
- Julie moved motion to approve course
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James seconded
- CNS ED 6680
- Approved contingent upon editing: second sentence change “IT” to “THE COURSE”
- Mary moved motion to approve course
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James seconded
- CNS ED 6730
- Approved contingent upon editing: 1. language in prerequisites, make it clear that 6060 is required and one of Ed Psy 6210, 6222, or 6226. 2. Second sentence edit to say “TOPICS INCLUDE”
- Phil moved motion to approve course
- Mary seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Mary seconded
- CNSED GGR-CNSED-GGR MEd in Counseling Graduate Regulations Proposal
- Approved contingent upon editing third paragraph, last sentence in relation to admission 1. “STUDENTS WHO DO NOT MEET THIS GRADE WILL NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE PROGRAM” 2. First paragraph “AND UPON ADMISSION STUDENT WILL TAKE CNS ED 6010”
- Mike will follow up with Emily Brown to ensure that DESE requirements are being followed
- Julie moved motion to approve
- James seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- James seconded
Other Items:
- Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 6, in the Boeing Room from 1-3pm.
Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, October 07, 2019.
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