CPQC - November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018 COE Administrator

Members Attending:  Theresa Coble, John Doyle, Zeena Goldenberg, Nikki Hurless, Brian Huxtable, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, Shawn Woodhouse, and Melanie Zamachaj. 

April Regester chaired the meeting today in Mike Bahr’s absence.

Approved: Today’s agenda and the October meeting minutes were approved. Theresa Coble motioned to approve and was seconded by Zeena Goldenberg.

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update (Kimberly)
    • OEEA is continuing to work toward next year’s CAEP accreditation deadlines by presenting data to faculty (ongoing program evaluation) and writing the self-study, which is due February 13, 2019.
    • Kimberly conducted a MOGEA pilot study of how predictive the MOGEA is of student success and presented her findings at the MACTE conference. An outcome from this presentation is that DESE will be forming a task force committee to examine the viability of accepting the ACT as an alternative to MOGEA.
    • Kimberly will discuss whether or not UMSL should put a policy in place for students to appeal their MOGEA scores at the next CCC meeting.

CPQC Subcommittees:

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee
    • There have been a lot of applications; all going as planned.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee (Shawn)
    • No updates.
  • Education Certification Subcommittee (April)
    • The subcommittee is finished with reviewing individual course changes and is now reviewing program changes.
    • Julie Smith Sodey will take over April’s position on CPQC and the Education Certification Subcommittee as April transitions to her new role as Director of Faculty Support and Engagement. April will remain on the university’s Senate C & I Committee.

Action Items:

Review of course proposals

  • ED ADM 7050, The Research Proc I: Framing Research Questions within the Ed Lit
    • Course drop
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Zeena Goldenberg
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6010, Theories of Counseling
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Shawn Woodhouse
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6020, Ethical and Professional Issues in Counseling
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6030, Foundations for Multicultural Counseling
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6040, Group Procedures in Counseling
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6050, Individual Inventory
    • Change to description and pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Shawn Woodhouse
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6270, School Counseling Practicum
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
    • Discussion: Why is CNS  ED 6000 mentioned in pre-requisites? April will check with Susan Kashubeck-West.
  • CNS ED 6280, School Counseling Field Experience
    • Changes to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Shawn Woodhouse
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6400, Career Information and Development
    • Changes to pre-requisites and course description
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6600, Theories and Techniques of Counseling Children and Adolescents
    • Changes to pre-requisites and course description
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
    • Discussion: April will check with Susan Kashubeck-West regarding wording changes.
  • CNS ED 6610, Introduction to Play Therapy
    • Drop
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
    • Discussion: New number will be CNS ED 6615.
  • CNS ED 6620, Advanced Play Therapy
    • Changes to pre-requisites and course description
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Zeena Goldenberg
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6630, Career Development in K-12 Schools*
    • Changes to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
    • Discussion: *Request suspension of CPQC rules for this course.
  • CNS ED 6800, Rehabilitation Counseling
    • Changes to pre-requisites 
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6810, Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Counseling
    • Change to pre-requisites and description
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Zeena Goldenberg
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6820, Counseling Women Toward Empowerment
    • Changes to pre-requisites and course description
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6830, Counseling African American Clients
    • Change to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6840, Counseling Sexual and Gender Minorities
    • Change to pre-requisites, course descriptions
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6850, Social Class and Poverty Issues in Counseling
    • Changes to pre-requisites, course description
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNS ED 6860, Human Sexuality in Counseling
    • Changes to pre-requisites
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously

Review of program proposals

  • SECED-GEM2- MEd Secondary Education, Middle Level Education (DROP)
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNSED-GEM1-M.Ed. School Counseling- Elementary Emphasis
    • Motion to approve: Shawn Woodhouse
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • CNSED-GEM2 : M.Ed. School Counseling Secondary Emphasis
    • Motion to approve: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Nikki Hurless
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • ECETS-EM5: BSEd, Elementary Education, Middle School 
    • Motion to approve: Zeena Goldenberg
      • Seconded: Theresa Coble
        • Motion passed unanimously


  • Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 5, in the Boeing Room from 1-3 p.m.

--Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj, December 4, 2018.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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