Attending: Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, Ellen Duncan, Mary Edwin, Kimberly Schroeder, Shawn Woodhouse, Phillip Waalkes, Katie O’Daniels, Nikki Hurless, Zeena Goldenberg, Melanie Zamachaj, and Javania Webb
Guests: Thomasina Hassler, Chauna Ross, and Andresa DeSouza
Agenda Approved:
Motion approved unanimously to approve the November 6, 2019 agenda
Minutes Approved:
- October 2, 2019 meeting minutes were approved
- Motion approved unanimously
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:
- Kimberly gave an updated from the office:
- COE voluntarily withdrew drew from CAEP for accreditation
- Currently looking at AAQEP for future possible accreditation
- APR was submitted on 10-18 an should be returned with any changes by 11-15
- Continuous: Melanie and Brian still working with Deans for Impact with a report due on 11-15
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- No formal updates and they will meet next
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- Continuous working on program descriptions.
- Working on a new masters degree program that will be ready in December
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- NEW Ed.D Educational Leadership Program Proposal - looked through the proposal and there were no changes or questions
- James Shuls is the doctoral advisor and director
- Mary moved motion to approve this proposal
- Zeena seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Zeena seconded
- NEW Ed.D Themes (name used to be STEAM) - looked through the proposal and there were too many questions - proposal was not approved and there were suggestions as follows:
- Needs to follow through with signatures
- Confused where the ‘humanities’ comes from because there is no information about it in the description
- Wants clarification about ‘humanities’ and where are the ‘arts’
- Woodhouse will take the suggestions and questions back to the leaders of this cohort for changes to be made before approval
- NEW Ed.D Educational Leadership Program Proposal - looked through the proposal and there were no changes or questions
Review of course and program proposals:
- New Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA) (in EPL department) will require 39 hours to complete the degree and the department will also keep the certification program in ABA. The difference between the two is the degree will require two capstones that is not required for the certificate. SLU and Lindenwood has programs and this program at UMSL is being backed by Missou
- Motion to review courses that have been revised and developed for the program
- Julie moved motion to approve program and courses
- Nikki seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- REVISED COURSES *changes were made in meeting
- SPEC ED 6643 Approved : no edits
- SPEC ED 6645 Approved contingent upon editing : change ‘insure’ to ‘ensure’
- SPEC ED 6646 Approved contingent upon editing: 1. change ‘focus’ to ‘focuses’ and 2. part of sentence ‘speaking and listening responses
- SPEC ED 6647 Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘This course focuses’ and 2. Change ‘bases’ to ‘basis’
- SPEC ED 6651 Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘Students with opportunities’ and 2. ‘measurement’
- SPEC ED 6652 Approved contingent upon editing: Students with opportunities’
- Motion approved unanimously with edits
- NEW COURSES *changes were made in meeting
- SPEC ED 6641 Approved contingent upon editing: ‘of’ instead of ‘involving’
- SPEC ED 6642 Approved : no edits
- SPEC ED 6644 Approved contingent upon editing: ‘as well as’ and comma after behavior
- SPEC ED 6648 Approved contingent upon editing: ‘provides instruction on evidence-based, best practices interventions in professionalism..’
- SPEC ED 6653 Approved contingent upon editing: ‘This course provides students with opportunities to use…’
- SPEC ED 6654 Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘This course provides students with opportunities to use…’ and 2. ‘Behavior interventions’
- SPEC ED 6655 Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘This course provides students with opportunities to use…’ and 2. ‘Behavior interventions’
- SPEC ED 6661 (capstone) Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘This course provides students with opportunities to use…’ 2. added comma and 3. Changed capitalized words ‘action research
- SPEC ED 6662 (capstone) Approved contingent upon editing: 1. ‘This course provides students with opportunities to use…’ 2. added comma and 3. Changed capitalized words ‘action research 4. added ‘the’
- New courses were approved with edits
- Proposal to drop minor in literacy, this minor has not been used in years
- Katie moved motion to approve
- Zena seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Zena seconded
- Katie moved motion to approve
- Elementary Education Program Changes
- ELE ED-BS Program- students are not allowed to just apply to this program, they must pick a specialization. These changes will be treated as a package. Also ‘students’ will be changed to ‘candidates’
- Julie moved motion to approve
- Mary seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Mary seconded
- Julie moved motion to approve
- EM 1- additional coursework required for Special Education emphasis area
- EM 2- additional coursework required for TESOL and Special Education emphasis area
- EM 3- additional coursework required for TESOL emphasis area
- Motion approved unanimously
- BSED Secondary ED Program
- Changing technical titles
- Needs method of social sciences ED 4011
- Approval contingent upon edits of social science
- Mary moved motion to approve
- Nikki seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- Counseling program changes - moving master’s degree program to 60 hours, it used to be 48 hours. The extra hours will be electives that are now required.
- CNSED-GEM1 and CNSED-GEM2 will be reviewed as a package
- Will review and approve but will be contingent upon the Education Subcommittee reviewing and if they have changed those have to be made.
- Julie moved motion to approve
- Zena seconded
- All changes were approved unanimously
- Zena seconded
- ELE ED-BS Program- students are not allowed to just apply to this program, they must pick a specialization. These changes will be treated as a package. Also ‘students’ will be changed to ‘candidates’
Other Items:
- Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 4, in the Boeing Room from 1-3pm.
Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, November 14, 2019.
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