CPQC - November 1, 2017

November 1, 2017 COE Administrator

Attending: Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Brian Huxtable, Pat Kopetz, Bill Kyle, Timothy Makubuya, Ellen Meadows, April Regester, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, and Melanie Zamachaj

Approved: Today’s agenda and the October meeting minutes were approved by consensus.

Action Item: Proposals from the Education Certification Subcommittee

Mike suggested that we package the first three courses for approval. Discussion of these course proposals was led by Kathleen. She said that Kim Song, who is course steward, approved the proposals, as did Nick Husbye.

  • ELE ED 6253A, ELE ED 6253B, ELE ED 6253C:
    • Motion to treat courses as single package: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
    • Motion to pass package of courses: April Regester
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • HLTH PE 3280:
    • Reduction in credit hours for new DESE requirements
    • Motion to approve course change: James Shuls
      • Seconded: April Regester
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • PHY ED 6485:
    • Needed for MED graduate credit
    • Motion to approve course change: April Regester
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • SEC ED GC3:
    • Program change to update electives
    • Motion to approve program change: April Regester
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • TCH ED 5310: 
    • Course change update based on new program
    • Motion to approve course change: April Regester
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • TCH ED 6880: 
    • Credit hour change
    • Motion to approve course change: April Regester
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update: 
    • Brian showed us in MyCOE the school district tool, which draws from DESE statistics that are publicly available. We can follow our students as in-service teachers and their performance in school. He and John have imported several indicator tables, such as attendance, discipline, demographics, and enrollment. We have 2016 data (2017 is incomplete). John asked what information will be useful to faculty.
    • Mike mentioned the upcoming Studio Schools Research Group breakfast meeting, during which school district representatives will be asked for data. We hope to use this data for accreditation purposes, student learning outcomes, and program improvement.
    • Brian is vetting PathTracker versus Tableau reporting. He is questioning some of the Tableau data. Also, Portal is in the process of being shut down and moved to MyCOE.
    • Other OEEA items: Kimberly is currently completing DESE’s Annual Performance Report (APR). MyCOE assessments are under review.
  • M.Ed. Committee Update: 
    • Mike said the Executive Committee suggested setting up a meeting to determine who will be the lead persons for the M.Ed. committee. Mike will convene faculty based on Nancy’s and Don’s recommendations. Agenda items should include continuous improvement, shared course offerings, course development, and new course proposals.
    • Theresa said recruitment and public relations efforts should be part of the discussion. Ellen talked about the need for marketing materials and how difficult it is to obtain funding. 
    • Theresa brought up the issue of advertising the M.Ed. in Community Education and would like to begin as soon as possible. It was discussed that we could not advertise the degree or list it on the COE website until approved by the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE). Mike said he would meet with Ann to ask her thoughts on this.
  • Ed.D. Learning Committee Proposal: 
    • A cost analysis has been added. A conversation with Tina is needed.

CPQC Subcommittees: 

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee
    • Pat updated us on the award application status. After receiving 12 applications, the committee decided that six applications were acceptable but the other six needed additional information. The final recommendations for Fall awards will take place on Friday, November 3. If awards are granted to all 12, half of the money will be used ($14,000 total for the year). The remaining half will be available for Spring applications.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    • Theresa brought up the need to craft templates listing what courses can be brought into the doctoral programs from outside. James said we need to be clear on what courses Ed Specialist students can bring in so they won’t need additional courses later on.
    • Theresa summarized what was discussed at the last Doctoral Program subcommittee meeting. Some of the topics discussed:
      • Systematic approach to sequencing courses and branding of courses
      • Goal of having two cohorts per year - 20 per cohort
      • Financial: cost and revenue generation; what is the breakeven point
      • Recruitment: streamlining and theming it
      • Ways to pull in people with Ed Specialist degrees
      •  Service different set of practitioners – cutting edge skills job advancement
      • Is the Ed.D. the new M.Ed.?
      • Wider pipeline rather than smaller
      • Core courses online
      • Team building speakers, network, esprit de corps
      • Buy in moving past transaction aspect of taking courses
      • Building a viable team around our Ed.D. program
  • Education Certification Subcommittee
    • April is putting together a document with new procedural guidelines for the Education Certification Subcommittee now that TEC no longer exists. It is the hope that this subcommittee will take some of the weight off the Certification Coordination Committee (CCC), which meets twice a month.
    • Next discussed was the status of the Care and Concern Team, which formerly was housed under TEC. There was a high rate of meetings with students this semester. How should we continue this program going forward (e.g., how can we flag students before Practicum, provide more training for faculty/instructors on the process, review PB&As)? Who should be involved? 


  • Mike asked how the committee is doing.
  • Next meeting will be December 6 in the Boeing Room from 1-3 pm. 

Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj, December 5, 2017.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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