Attending: Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, Shawn Woodhouse, Katie O’Daniels, Phillip Waalkes, Melanie Zamachaj, Mary Edwin, Nikki Hurless, Zeena Goldenberg, James Shuls, Doris Villarreal, Julie Beauregard (guest), and Javania Webb
Agenda Approved:
- Motion to approve the agenda by proclamation
- Approved unanimously
Minutes Approved:
- March 2020 minutes approved unanimously
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:
- Work is focusing primarily on preparations for AAQEP accreditation.
Updates on Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP):
- AAQEP Planning Group, meeting every two weeks and tasked with writing the self-study
- Sending out emails to faculty about resources that are needed
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- No updates
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- No updates sans the course approvals
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- No updates
Review of course and program proposals:
- ED ADM 6717: Coaching for K-12 Teacher Leaders
- This will be part of a certificate program for teachers being an instructional coach / leader
- James moved motion to approve ED ADM 6717
- Zeena seconded
- Approve contingent of name change ‘Instructional Coaching for K-12 Teacher Leaders’ to be clearer for students to understand what they will be taking.
- approved unanimously
- [BLOCK] Math Specialist Courses: All courses were revised to a 1-2 variable credit option. See document with
- TCH ED 6281
- TCH ED 6282
- TCH ED 6283
- TCH ED 6284
- Katie moved motion to approve Math Specialist Courses as block
- Nikki seconded
- approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- Julie moved approval for Math Specialist
- Phillip seconded
- Katie moved motion to approve Math Specialist Courses as block
- These are all companion ‘internship’ courses and Mike will change the clerical issue in CourseLeaf and the course description will also follow up with Julie
- Courses all approved unanimously contingent upon 6282 & 6284 being changed to internship as well as the course description.
- [BLOCK] Graduate Practicum I & II Course Revisions (Teach in 12)—See document with graduate practicum descriptions
- ECH ED 5989
- ECH ED 5990
- ELE ED 5989
- ELE ED 5990
- ELE ED 5992
- ELE ED 5993
- ELE ED 5994
- ELE ED 5995
- HLTH PE 5989
- HLTH PE 5991
- HLTH PE 5992
- SEC ED 5989
- SEC ED 5990
- SEC ED 5995
- SEC ED 5996
- Zeena moved motion to approve Practicum I & II Courses as a block
- Mary seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Mary seconded
- Katie moved approve all Practicum I & II Courses
- Nikki seconded
- After discussion, Practicum I & II Courses approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- Zeena moved motion to approve Practicum I & II Courses as a block
Review of course and program proposals:
- [BLOCK] Teach in 12: Graduate Certificate programs (ELE ED-GC3, ELE ED-GC4, SECED-GC1)
- Phillip moved to approve Teach in 12: Graduate Certificate programs as a block
- Katie seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
- Zeena moved to approve all of the Teach in 12: Graduate Certificate programs
- Nikki seconded
- Approved unanimously contingent upon some changes (Julie will email Betsy Sampson about removing a duplicate course and other clerical changes; Julie will work alongside Mike to approve changes)
- Nikki seconded
- Phillip moved to approve Teach in 12: Graduate Certificate programs as a block
- [BLOCK] Teach in 12: M.Ed + Certification programs (ELE ED-GEM3, ELE ED-GEM4, SECED-MA2)
- Julie moved motion to approve M.Ed + Certification programs as a block
- Zeena seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Zeena seconded
- Doris moved to approve M.Ed + Certification programs
- Katie seconded
- After discussion, approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
- Julie moved motion to approve M.Ed + Certification programs as a block
- CNSED-GC1: Couple, Marriage, and Family Counseling Graduate Certificate
- For students who already have their masters and want continuing education
- Mary moved motion to approve CNSED-GC1
- Katie seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
- CNSED-GC2: Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Graduate Certificate
- For students who already have their masters and want continuing education
- Doris moved motion to approve CNSED-GC2
- Zeena seconded
- Approved unanimously contingent upon third sentence from the bottom being changed. Mike will talk with Susan Kashubeck-West
- CNSED-GC4: School Counseling Post-Master’s Certificate
- For students who already have their masters and want continuing education
- Doris moved motion to approve CNSED-GC4
- Nikki seconded
- After discussion, approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- Next meeting will be Wednesday, September 2
- Mike thanked the committee for their hard work this year and especially noted the contributions of the doctoral students—Javania, Nikki, and Zeena
Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, May 08, 2020.
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