CPQC - May 2, 2018

May 2, 2018 COE Administrator

Members Attending: Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, Angela Coker, John Doyle, Brian Huxtable, April Regester, James Shuls, and Melanie Zamachaj.

Approved: Today’s agenda and the April meeting minutes were approved by acclamation.

Action Items:

  • Approval of Course Proposal
    • ED ADM 6714: K-12
      • Program changes (6302 and 6304 now combined int6714)
      • Motion tapprove program changes: James Shuls
        • Seconded: Theresa Coble
          • Motion passed unanimously

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update
    • CAEP
    • Reports (Title II)
    • MOGEA

CPQC Subcommittees:

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee
    • No report.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee (Theresa)
    • Had not been meeting. Committee needs a new strategy for next year.
  • Education Certification Subcommittee (April)
    • Committee evaluation survey was emailed to committee members; Mike said the results were very good.


  • Since it was the last meeting of the academic year, Mike discussed the results of the Qualtrics survey for CPQC and asked what improvements could be made tthe committee next year. The following is a summary of the suggestions that were offered:
    • Chairperson could email course and program proposals to faculty before College Meeting so there’s an opportunity to look over;
    • Let program directors know where in the process the course proposal is (e.g., Ed Cert Subcommittee, Faculty Senate C&I, etc.);
    • Set up work flow calendar to know what is coming up;
    • Set up storage place not only for course proposals but also agenda items, etc.
    • Have more discussions about enhancing program/course quality rather than only concentrating on course details;
    • Find ways to make the Ed.D. learning community proposal process more efficient.
  • Mike thanked the subcommittee chairs and the rest of the committee for their contributions and service. Angie gave kudos tMike for his leadership and organization. April said that the committee has worked well in replacing the previous committees (TEC, GEC) – it not only pays attention to individual programs but gives us an important overall look at the college as well.

Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj on August 31, 2018.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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