Members Attending: Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, Angela Coker, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Brian Huxtable, Pat Kopetz, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, and Melanie Zamachaj
Also Attending: Matthew Davis
Approved: Today’s agenda and the February meeting minutes were approved by acclamation.
Action Items:
- Approval of Ed.D. Learning Community Proposals
- Proposal on Social Justice: Radical Imagination in Black Education
- New proposal
- Motion to approve new proposal: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: April Regester
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: April Regester
- Discussion: Theresa asked if endowed professors could be more involved, potentially by being instructors, mentors, or by providing funding from their endowed account.
- Proposal on Educational Leadership
- New proposal
- Motion to approve new proposal: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: April Regester
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: April Regester
- Discussion: April brought up a logistical question: how can students apply to the program if it has not been approved yet? It was decided that an application deadline extension needs to be put on the website. Theresa suggested that the learning community course sequence be listed on the website as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
- James is working on how to include courses from the Ed.S. program in the Ed.D. program. He has mapped out courses and needs to coordinate core courses for Ed.S. and non-Ed.S. students.
- Proposal on Social Justice: Radical Imagination in Black Education
- Approval of Course Proposals
- The following two proposals were approved jointly:
- ED ADM 6702:
- Title change, prerequisite change
- ED ADM 6714:
- New course proposal
- Motion to approve course changes/addition: Pat Kopetz
- Seconded: Angie Coker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angie Coker
- ED ADM 6702:
- The following two proposals were approved jointly:
- TCH ED 1000:
- Designation change
- TCH ED 1001:
- Designation change
- Motion to approve designation changes: James Shuls
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
- TCH ED 1000:
- ED REM 6732:
- Title change, description change
- Motion to approve course changes: James Shuls
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Pat Kopetz
- ED REM 6730:
- Title change, description change
- Motion to approve course changes: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: James Shuls
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: James Shuls
- ED PSY 6111:
- Title change, description change
- Motion to approve course changes: James Shuls
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Theresa Coble
- The following three proposals were approved together:
- CNS ED 6220:
- Title change, description change
- CNS ED 6200:
- Title change; prerequisite wording changed
- CNS ED 6060:
- New course
- Motion to approve course changes/addition: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: April Regester
- Motion passed unanimously
- CNS ED 6220:
- ED PSY 6226:
- New course; title change suggested (department will decide)
- Motion to approve new course: Theresa Coble
- Seconded: April Regester
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: April Regester
- The following two proposals were approved jointly:
- EDPSY–EDS: Ed.S. in School Psychology:
- Program changes
- Motion to approve program changes: James Shuls
- Seconded: Angie Corker
- Motion passed unanimously
- Seconded: Angie Corker
- Discussion: The proposed revisions to the program provide more emphasis on mental health and counseling skill development and practice. This is a three year program of intensive study with strict limitations for transfer credit.
Discussion Items:
- OEEA Update (Kimberly)
- Survived Program Prioritization review.
- Met with all five districts of pilot group; now exploring relationship with charter schools, especially Confluence, which has the largest placement of our students among local charter schools.
- On March 2, OEEA, along with Ann Taylor and Mike Bahr, met with STARC, the St. Louis Assessment Resources Collaborative. This is a group of educators and data administrators who meet every two months to discuss data and assessment issues. Around 7-8 district representatives attended. We had a good discussion and will follow-up with the districts interested in continuing the conversation.
- According to CAEP, we need to follow into the field at least 20% of our graduates, which we’ve calculated to be about 110 people. We could use MAP scores for our data, but this will reduce the number of teachers we could count because we could only use those teaching MAP areas (ELA and math). If we don’t have the required number of teachers, CAEP has also suggested that we could run focus groups.
- On February 27, Suzanne Hull, the new Coordinator who replaced Hap Hairston at DESE, met with a group at COE. Issues being faced as an Ed Prep Program were presented to her and how our issues differ from other EPPs (e.g., transfers, students with dependents). We received good feedback on how to meet the teacher shortage. She also let us know that CAEP is still in upheaval and has had a lot of staff changes. The related degree dilemma was discussed and how DESE needs to be less strict in its definition.
- Kimberly, Brian, and Mike will be attending the MACTE (Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education) conference at the end of the month.
- MOPTA will be phased out and will be replaced with an enhanced form of MEES.
CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee (Pat)
- Pat said the remainder of the scholarship money was spent and 11 (out of 12) applications were funded for spring semester. Pat let the committee know another dissertation scholarship, the John A. Henschke Fund, is also available this semester. The award amount is $500.00 and applications are due March 23.
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee (April)
- Theresa needed to leave for another meeting and April stepped in. She said we’re very behind in the interviewing process for new doctoral students. Other schools have already accepted students into their doctoral programs. This creates timeline issues for future GRAs since they can’t attend scheduled TA meetings if they haven’t been accepted into the program yet.
- Education Certification Subcommittee (April)
- No updates.
- Kathleen asked the committee’s opinion on a promotional tag line for the outside of UMSL/COE mugs. Two top possibilities: “Educators Transforming Lives” and “Teach, Reach, Lead.”
- Next meeting will be Wednesday, April 4, in the Boeing Room from 1-3 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj on April 2, 2018.
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