Attending: Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, Mary Edwin, Doris Villareal, Shawn Woodhouse, Phillip Waalkes, Katie O’Daniels, Nikki Hurless, Zeena Goldenberg, James Shuls, and Javania Webb
Agenda Approved:
- Motion to approve the agenda by proclamation
- approved unanimously
Minutes Approved:
- Nikki made motion to approve December 2019 minutes
- Zeena seconded
- approved unanimously
- Zeena seconded
Minutes Approved:
- Mary made motion to approve January 2019 minutes
- Katie seconded
- approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
Review of course and program proposals:
- Julie moved to approve ED PSY 6030: Instruction, Learning, and Assessment
- Zeena seconded
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the title, course taught across multiple programs
- Motion approved unanimously
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the title, course taught across multiple programs
- Zeena seconded
- Katie moved to approve CNS ED 6200: Foundations of School Counseling
- Nikki seconded
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the title and opened to certificate seeing students
- Motion approved unanimously
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the title and opened to certificate seeing students
- Nikki seconded
- Mary moved to approve EDUC 7215: Data Analysis for Educational Practitioner
- Zenna seconded
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the course description for quantitative research course
- Motion approved unanimously
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the course description for quantitative research course
- Zenna seconded
- Lena moved to approve EDUC 7395: Research Proposal Development for Educational Practitioners
- James seconded
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the course title, prerequisites and removal of ‘tools’ course; the description (remove “this course will be about…”); add “conceptual framework” after the words “problem statement.”
- Motion approved unanimously
- Course has been approved contingent upon these changes: Revised the course title, prerequisites and removal of ‘tools’ course; the description (remove “this course will be about…”); add “conceptual framework” after the words “problem statement.”
- James seconded
- Nikki moved to approve EDUC 7710: Research Methods and Design for Educational Practitioners (NEW COURSE to provide targeted research support)
- Mary seconded
- Tabling this course to get more clarity about what the doctoral students will be doing in the course. How does this course interact with EDUC 7395 & EDUC 7215? Will get the course description updated to encompass what they are working on in the course; SHawn and Mike will talk with Theresa Coble for clarity
- James moved to table this course
- Katie seconded
Teacher Education Practicum Courses:
- Phil motion to accept Practicum 1 as a block
- Katie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
- Katie motion to accept Practicum 2 as a block
- Nikki seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- Practicum 1: language changed to be updates to reflect DESE changes and any technology needs; students must have approved practicum application in the system
- Mary motion to approve Block Practicum 1
- Katie seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Katie seconded
- Mary motion to approve Block Practicum 1
- Practicum 2: language changed to be updates to reflect DESE changes and any technology needs; students must have approved practicum application in the system
- James motion to approve Block Practicum 1
- Phil seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Phil seconded
- James motion to approve Block Practicum 1
Review of course and program proposals:
- Zena motion to approve EDPSY-GEM1: Emphasis in Character and Citizenship Education & EDPSY-GEM2: Emphasis in Educational Research and Program Evaluation as a block
- Nikki seconded
- Motion approved unanimously
- Nikki seconded
- EDPSY-MA: MEd in Educational Psychology moved from 33 to 30 credit hours 50%-75% of students utilize this program and it is being moved to be 100% online
- Course approved contingent upon deleting ‘will’ in the course description; third paragraph under description last sentence.
- James moved motion to approve program change
- Mary seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Mary seconded
- EDPSY-GEM1: Emphasis in Character and Citizenship Education & EDPSY-GEM2: Emphasis in Educational Research and Program Evaluation PROGRAM EMPHASIS is being removed
- Nikki motion to remove program emphasis
- James seconded
- Approved unanimously
- James seconded
- Nikki motion to remove program emphasis
- EDUC-EDD: Doctor of Education, Educational Practice; program change request to include robust research methods courses
- Katie motion to approve program changes was approved but then tabled to reflect changes listed below
- James seconded
- Laboratory practice section should have minimum of 3 credit hours
- EDUC 7395 should have updated title
- Inquiry approach requirements section should have minimum of 6 credit hours
- 7205, 7220, 7225, 7230, 7295, 7210 need to be deleted from the program plan because those will no longer be offered or taught
- Will collapse section 3 & 4 together to be under Common Course Section and EDUC 7395 will be moved to this section
- Section 7 needs to have 7998 dissertation course added to program
- Shawn and Mike will meet with Theresa to go over changes and this will be sent out electronically to be approved by committee
- Katie motion to approve program changes was approved but then tabled to reflect changes listed below
- EDUC-PHD: PhD in Education; program change request to include cross collaboration across the Ed.D and Ph.D program because some courses will be taken together
- Nikki motion to approve program changes
- Zena seconded
- Approved unanimously
- Zena seconded
- Nikki motion to approve program changes
Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:
- New accreditation program AAQEP, working to get acclimated with the updates and making any changes
- Executive Director from AAQEP will be here in March
- APR was updated and sent to Dean / teacher education department
Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees:
- Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
- Applications sent out to graduate students for the next selection process for the Travel, Dissertation, and Henske Scholarship
- Education Certification Subcommittee:
- Continuous working on quality control of programs
- Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
- Settled on requirements for programs and waiting on approval
Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 4 in the Boeing Room from 1-3 pm.
Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, February 18, 2020.
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