CPQC - December 6, 2017

December 6, 2017 COE Administrator

Attending:  Mike Bahr, Theresa Coble, Angela Coker, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Brian Huxtable, Pat Kopetz, Bill Kyle, Ellen Meadows, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, and Melanie Zamachaj

Approved: Today’s agenda and the November meeting minutes were approved by consensus.

Action Items:

  • ELE ED 6241:
    • Increase in variable credit hours (2-3) for new DESE requirements
    • Motion to approve course change: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Angela Coker
        • Motion passed unanimously
  • Proposal for a Learning Community, Doctor of Education Degree:
    • Request for approval of proposal document
    • Motion to approve proposal document: Theresa Coble
      • Seconded: Bill Kyle
        • Motion passed unanimously

Learning Communities Discussion:

Theresa asked if there would need to be a cost analysis drawn up for each learning community applicant or could we use a generic cost analysis. Bill said it would need to be individualized since each learning community will have its own idiosyncrasies.

As we develop new doctoral cohorts, Mike said that Ann has some concerns. For instance, what will happen when there are 20-25 dissertations due at the same time? Should we use additional “faculty approved by grad school” to help out? For quality control, will there be enough faculty for the 3 year time period (e.g., a faculty member may retire). 

Three future learning community proposals will be submitted by James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, and Matthew Davis.

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update
    • Kimberly’s update:
      • Putting together data for program meeting on December 13;
      • Project for Tina Hyken – 5 year prediction analysis – enrollment/student credit hours;
      • First deadline for Title II report has been met;
      • DESE APR has been completed and feedback received.
    • Brian’s update on the Studio Schools Research Group and district partnerships:
      • OEEA will be meeting with district partners and asking them to share data on our candidate’s performance and their students (K-12);
      • Interesting fact: the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis has been the top source of COE students for a number of years.
    • Brian’s update on marketing:
      • We now have Slate, a new platform used for the admissions application process;
      • We are able to watch how candidates can move from the COE website marketing page to the admission’s application page;
      • Kate Herring in Clinical Experiences worked as a “secret shopper” by posing as a potential student applying for admission while taking screen shots for each program.
    • John’s update: 
      • Working on improving the speed of MyCOE.
  • M.Ed. Committee Update
    • Mike passed out the M.Ed. discussion minutes from the November COE Meeting and asked the committee to look at the three questions.
    • In response to the first question (recruitment and advertising), Theresa brought up the need to market online courses. The campus still seems to emphasize marketing on campus courses. She also suggested that course offerings could be mapped and streamlined, possibly combining/aligning core courses.
    • Ellen mentioned the importance of digital marketing and that many Teach in 12 students come in through our marketing on Facebook.
    • Theresa spoke about two grad assistants who did an excellent presentation on digital marketing at a recent conference in Spokane. Mike suggested they could present before a program director’s meeting or something similar and that there might be budget dollars available for this. He will talk to Ann.
    • Regarding next steps, Angela said the budget should be a central consideration.

CPQC Subcommittees:

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee
    • Pat said that 12 scholarships were awarded in the Fall semester. The committee plans on tweaking the application process that was used in the Fall. The next round will be collected mid-January and decisions will be made in early February.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    • Bill let us know the committee met and there was productive conversation.
  • Education Certification Subcommittee
    • April said there was a slowdown in the number of course proposals coming into the committee. She also told us about her concern when COE proposals are rolled back to the proposal’s originator. If the originator is unaware that it needs revisions, the course proposal is stalled in the approval process.
    • Mike said it is important that we track courses after they leave COE for Faculty Senate approval. He will talk to Ann about this.


  • Next meeting will be Wednesday, February 7, 2018, in the Boeing Room from 1-3 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj, January 30, 2018.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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