CPQC - December 4, 2019

December 4, 2019 COE Administrator

Attending: Michael Bahr, Julie Smith-Sodey, Mary Edwin, Kimberly Schroeder, Shawn Woodhouse, Phillip Waalkes, Katie O’Daniels, Nikki Hurless, Zeena Goldenberg, and Javania Webb

Guests: Andresa DeSouza
Agenda Approved: 
Motion approved unanimously to approve the December 4, 2019 agenda

Review of course and program proposals:

  • Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA) New Masters Degree (in EPL department) 
    • Motion to review courses that have been revised and developed for the program, contingent upon approval with the UM System
    • Katy moved motion to approve program and courses
      • Julie seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously
  • SPECED --GC: Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis—updated to the certificate program, new course and current courses have been revised.
    • Zena moved motion to approve
      • James seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously
  • ENT-GC1: Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate (new program proposal) --submitted by Thresa Coble and will be interdisciplinary with other departments collaborating on the courses and each department will have to approve the proposal and courses
    • Mary moved motion to approve
      • James seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously
  • EDUC 7200: English Academic Support (new course, previously tabbled)
    • Approval contingent upon edits of “This course contributes to the development of skills necessary for the completion of the dissertation”
    • Nikki moved motion to approve
      • Zena seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously

Minutes Approved:

  • October 2, 2019 meeting minutes were approved  
    • James moved motion to approve
      • Mary seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously

Updates from the Office of Educator Effectiveness and Accreditation:

  • Kimberly gave an updated from the office:
    • Submitted 1st part of Title 2 - Federal Mandated Report next part due in April
    • Working on Annual Performance Report (APR).
      • APR for the State of Missouri includes only candidates who earn certification. Kimberly reported that are programs are classified positively—there are no red flags. OEEA will submit the appeal (i.e., corrections) on December 20th.

Reports from the CPQC Subcommittees: 

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee:
    • Awarded all money for Fall 2019
    • Will acknowledge students in February
    • Next call for proposals / applications will be sent in February 
  • Education Certification Subcommittee:
    • No updates
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
    • NEW Ed.D Themes (name used to be STEAM) - was presented last month but was not approved. The recommended changes by the CPQC were completed, and the current proposal answers all CPQC questions. 
    • Katie moved motion to approve
      • James seconded
        • Motion approved unanimously

Other Items:

  • There will be an abbreviated meeting to focus on course and program proposals to ensure they can be approved in time for the Fall 2020 Bulletin. Everyone agreed to meet on January 22, Boeing Room, at 11:30 am. This will be an abbreviated meeting.
  • Next regular meeting will be Wednesday, February 5 in the Boeing Room from 1-3 pm.

Minutes submitted by Javania M. Webb, December 11, 2019.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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