CPQC - April 4, 2018

April 4, 2018 COE Administrator

Members Attending:  Angela Coker, John Doyle, Kathleen Fink, Pat Kopetz, April Regester, Kimberly Schroeder, James Shuls, Shawn Woodhouse, and Melanie Zamachaj. 

April Regester chaired the meeting today in Mike Bahr’s absence.

Approved: Today’s agenda and the March meeting minutes were approved. James Shuls motioned to approve and was seconded by April Regester.

Action Items:

  • Approval of Ed.D. Learning Community Proposal
    • Proposal on Higher Education Student Services
      • New proposal
      • Motion to approve new proposal: James Shuls
        • Seconded: Pat Kopetz
          • Motion passed unanimously
      • Discussion: This is the second time this learning community theme is being offered. There will be more of a need for leaders in higher education institutions because more retirements are occurring.
  • Approval of Course Proposals
    • CNS ED 3200:
      • Course number, title, and description changes
      • Motion to approve course changes: Pat Kopetz 
        • Seconded: James Shuls
          • Motion passed unanimously
      • Discussion: Course number change is being made in order to have the course align as the first course in this emphasis area. Title and description changes are being made in order to fit the needs of the students in the BES Youth and Adult Development Program.
  • ED ADM-MA2: Master of Education in Education Administration, with Emphasis School Administration:
    • Program changes
    • Motion to approve program changes: Pat Kopetz
      • Seconded: James Shuls
        • Motion passed unanimously
      • Discussion: Changes reflect numerous changes to the program over the past few years. Full-time residency has been removed and total program credit hours have been changed from 36 to 33.
  • ED ADM-EDS: Ed.S. in Education Administration:
    • Program changes
    • Motion to approve program changes: Pat Kopetz
      • Seconded: James Shuls
      • Motion passed unanimously
    • Discussion: Program now includes a path to initial principal certification for those without an UMSL master’s degree in education administration but in a related education field.    

Discussion Items:

  • OEEA Update (Kimberly)
    • OEEA is continuing to work towards upcoming CAEP deadlines. The self-study report will need to be completed in January-February 2019. The CAEP visit will be November 10, 11, and 12, 2019.
    • A data request was submitted to DESE for MAP scores on students taught by our graduates. Not sure if they ultimately will give us this data, but they haven't said no yet.
    • At the MACTE conference, we found out that CAEP defines key assessments as assessments all students take. They don't have to be course-embedded. This means we'll have to do some rethinking of our signature assessments in MyCOE.

CPQC Subcommittees:

  • Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee (Pat)
    • Pat said the John A. Henschke scholarship was awarded. She also said the winners of this year’s doctoral dissertation and travel grant awards will be announced at the next College Meeting on April 18.
  • Doctoral Program Subcommittee
    • No updates.
  • Education Certification Subcommittee (April)
    • No updates.


  • Next meeting will be Wednesday, May 2, in the Boeing Room from 1-3 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Melanie Zamachaj on May 1, 2018.

Agenda Artifacts

Tags: Agendas, CPQC

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