College Meeting - September 16, 2020

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting

September 16, 2020 COE Administrator

Faculty Assembly

I. Report from Dean Taylor

Dean Taylor announced that the COE Mission Statement should be recognized and be delighted that we are working together. The US News and World Report says that we have risen to 126 as an institution in the matrix that is now being called social mobility.

Dean Taylor announced that we have 75% of our courses online and the remaining are blended courses.

Dean Taylor recognized/congratulated the following faculty for Grants Proposal and Awards:

Lindsey Athamanah Mindy Bier & Marvin Berkowitz
Jennifer Bumble Amber Candela
Theresa Coble Chuck Granger & Phyllis Balcerzak
Paulette Isaac-Savage Susan Kashubeck-West
Shea Kerkhoff Na Young Kong
Keith Miller Jerome Morris
Lynn Navin April Regester
Kim Song Nancy Singer
Phillip Waalkes Emily Oliveira

Dean Taylor recognized/congratulated the following faculty and staff who received Services Awards at the Chancellor’s Address:

  • 5 years:
    Phyllis Balcerzak, Theresa Coble, Na Young Kong, Jerome Morris, Emily Oliveira, Christine Sykora
  • 10 years:
    Natalie Bolton, April Regester, Raina Traore-Gress
  • 15 years:
    Mike Bahr, Matthew Davis, Melanie Zamachaj

Dean Taylor recognized notable students and alumni achievements:

  • Vielia Jeffries-Evans, Ed.D. ’19, 2020 recipient of the Missouri Art Education Association’s Larry Kantner Research Award.
  • Susan Marino and Sarah Ranney, Ed.S. ‘20, M.Ed. ’18, jointly named as Leader of the Year by Missouri Charter Public School Association.
  • Darrion Cockrell, B.S.Ed. ’13, named Missouri Teacher of the Year for 2021.

Dean Taylor recognized and congratulated the following faculty members:

  • Nancy Singer for the 2020 Trailblazer of the Year Award. The 2020 theme as Valiant Women of the Vote: The Journey to Universal Suffrage.
  • Mary Edwin for the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence, 2020 Gerald and Deanne Gitner Excellence in Teaching Award.
  • Alina Slapac for the 2020 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
  • Kristopher East for the 2020 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.
  • Sandy MacLean for the 2020 Faculty Retiree of the Year Award.
  • Jerome Morris for the 2020-2021 UM System Presidential Engagement Fellow.

Dean Taylor asked the assembly to have the Racial Equity for All Project (REAP) sessions on their calendar. She stated that we need to make sure that each one of us is really on a journey of becoming much more self consciously and intentionally aware of our own racial understanding of racial biases. Also, our past behavior actions and experiences contribute to making ourselves available and our ability to design learning experiences and relate to everybody.

II. Report from CPCQ (Phillip Waalkes)

Dr. Phillip Waalkes announced the voting member of the committee:

ESPP: Mary Edwin, Phillip Waalkes, Mike Bahr
EPL: Julie Smith Sodey, Doris Villarreal, Lynn Navin
At-Large: Katie O’Daniels
Doctoral Student Rep: Eboni Sterling (ESPP)

Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Selection Subcommittee (Mary Edwin)

No report

Doctoral Program Subcommittee (Shawn Woodhouse)

Shawn Woodhouse announced the subcommittee members:  Theresa Coble, Phillip Waalkes, Phyllis Balcerzak, and Cody Ding

Education Certification Subcommittee (Julie Smith Sodey)

Julie Smith Sodey announced that she opened the invitation to the EPL Department if they are interested in serving on the committee.

Dean Taylor announced that Ed Prep is moving through accreditation with the Association for the Advancement of Quality and Educator Preparation (AAQEP), and they are in the final stages of producing a self-study.  It will be a virtual site visit in May 2021.

III. Report from FAC (Amber Candela)

Amber Candela announced that FAC has created the draft of the NTT promotion document, and it was sent to all faculty members for review.  The decision will be discussed and voted on in your respective departments in October.  Also, they will be looking at the merit and the faculty load documents this year.  If you have anything that you would like FAC to discuss, please reach out to me or one of the members:  Martille Elisa, Rebecca Rogers, Mary Edwin, or Erin McClure.

Amber Candela also announced that the first book club meeting will meet on Wednesday, September 23 at 12 p.m. during the “Lunch with Colleagues.”

10 Inclusive Teaching Practices (Amber Candela and Chanua Ross)

First diversity group exercise:  A community building project for everyone to get an opportunity to meet each other. The College assembly participated in short excerpt exercises.  Drs. Candela and Ross created two forums:  1.) To engage in discussions with others that are in the college that you normally do not get to converse with.  2.) To engage you in conversation around those 10 inclusive online teaching practices and some may go beyond the classroom.

IV. Dean’s Committee on Social Justice (Princess Davis)

No report

V. Chairs’ Updates (Susan Kashubeck-West, James Shuls)

Dr. Susan Kashubeck-West introduced our two new faculty members: Dr. Karen Boleska, Sport Management and Dr. So Rin Kim, Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Dr. James Shuls asked faculty to respond to the email sent to them on how they want their courses deliberated for the spring 2021.

VI. Faculty Support and Engagement (April Regester)

April Regester announced that faculty should read the emails from the Office of Research and Administration (ORA). There is a junior faculty travel grant award available on October 12.

April Regester also announced that we are fully invested in MyVita on campus for annual evaluations, and we are using it for promotion cases.

April Regester announced that there are two more September Startup Series left.  If you are interested in participating, please email Jennifer Bumble. The series has been helpful to everyone who participated, in terms of useful tools for online learning.

VII. Student Services-Recruitment, Retention, Enrollment, Advising (Ellen Meadows, David Stofer)

No report. 

VIII. Finance-HR (Raina Traore-Gress)

No report.

IX. Other Reports

Dean Taylor announced that MyGlobal is offering a $5,000 maximum Research Award for international students.


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