College Meeting: November 15, 2017

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
ED Collabitat
100 Ward E. Barnes Building

November 15, 2017 COE Administrator

Faculty Assembly

I. Report from Interim Dean – Ann Taylor

Interim Dean Taylor made the following announcements:

  • Dr. Wolfgang Althof’s Association for Moral Education Conference held at Chase Park Plaza Hotel was a success.
  • Dr. Brenda Bredemeier’s Transgender Conference sponsored by UMSL and Washington University. It was held this year at Washington University and was a success.
  • Dr. Nancy Singer is currently hosting the National Gateway Writing Conference. The 190 writing projects have been established since 1934.
  • Nicolle Von der Heyde was attending the NOYCE Conference held in St. Louis which is connected to the National Science Foundation

Interim Dean Taylor congratulated the following staff:

  • Amber Bell-Christian will be leaving the university to join Girls, Inc. to be part of their STEM program.
  • Marty Woytus, new academic advisor.
  • Karen Allman, new OASIS receptionist

II. Report from CPCQ and associated subcommittees (Dr. Michael Bahr)

Dr. Michael Bahr announced that all of the program and course proposals were approved. 

  • SEC ED 5989: Practicum I - Site Based Experience
  • TCH ED 3310: Introduction to Methods of Teaching
  • PHY ED 2136: Facilities Management
  • TCH ED 5880: Writing in the Content Area
  • TCH ED 6271: Teaching and Learning of Number and Operations from an Advanced Perspective
  • TCH ED 6272: Teaching and Learning Rational Numbers from an Advanced Perspective
  • TCH ED 6278: Mathematical Leadership for Elementary Schools Advanced
  • TCH ED 6281: Internship - Number and Operations in Elementary Schools
  • TCH ED 6282: Internship - Rational Numbers in Elementary Schools
  • ELE ED 6253A: Teaching Social Studies through Reading, Writing, and English Language Learning
  • ELE ED 6253B: Teaching Social Studies through Reading Writing, and English Language Learning
  • ELE ED 6253C: Teaching Social Studies through Reading, Writing, and English Language Learning
  • HLTH PE 3280: Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • PHY ED 6485: Theory of Exercise and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management
  • SEC ED GC3: Graduate Certification in Teaching Writing
  • TCH ED 5310: Instructional Design
  • TCH ED 6880: Gateway Writing Project

Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee:
Dr. Patricia Kopetz announced that Lynn Navin was one of the students to receive the Dissertation and Travel Grant Scholarship.

Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
Dr. Bill Kyle announced that last month that the group’s focus was on the Ed.D. issues, and they will have a meeting to discuss the new Ph.D. for 2018.

Education Certification Subcommittee:
Dr. April Regester announced that courses that need Dean’s approval are needed every semester, including the spring 2018 schedule. 

III. Report from FAC (Dr. Rocco Cottone)

Dr. Rocco Cottone announced that the Tenure and Promotion guidelines documents are in the hands of the committee, and then they will be send it to the faculty for review.  There is also a subcommittee to look at research…Matthew Davis and Jerome Morris are leading the project.

Dr. Cottone also announced that Dr. James Shuls will coordinate the Research Spotlight.  Dr. Shuls will take a few minutes at the College Meetings to talk about our faculty research.

IV. Report from the Chairs (Drs. Donald Gouwens and Nancy Singer)

Dr. Don Gouwens asked faculty to notify Ryan Molitor, Academic Administrative Team staff, if you are converting any courses to CANVAS. Also, they will create a department library of education courses.

Dr. Don Gouwens also announced that faculty MyVita must be accurate because the UM-System will look at it for reports, and it is how the University will be evaluated as a whole.

Dr. April Regester announced that the Academic Administrative Team staff are working on CANVAS to update the system with current courses.

Dr. April Regester announced that Shay Kerkhoff has accepted the curriculum and instructor assistant professor position.

V. Report from Finance-HR (Tina Hyken)

Tina Hyken announced that she will give the college a little information about the COE budget.  Tina Hyken explained the compensation-general operation budget.

VI. Professional Learning and Innovation (Kathleen Fink)

Dr. Kathleen Fink informed the college of the updates on the Professional Learning and Innovation (PLI), and she added that the PLI website has been revised.

VII. Inclusive Excellent Proposal-Jerome Morris

Dr. Jerome Morris thanked everyone for their participation and contribution to the Inclusive Excellent Proposal, and special thanks Tenille Rose Martin and Amber Bell-Christian for their leadership on the committee.

VIII. Counseling and Social Advocacy Center (Emily Oliveira)

Dr. Emily Oliveira announced that the Counseling and Social Advocacy Center will have a benefit concert on December 15 in the J.C. Penney Auditorium.  Performance by Dr. Rocco Cottone’s daughter’s rock band called “Honey and the 45s” from Chicago, Illinois.

IX. Faculty Senate Report-Brenda Bredemeier

Dr. Brenda Bredemeier announced that our students attended the last month meeting to convince the Faculty Senate to consider a new working model to share leadership in the university.  Dr. Bredemeier added that our students made a strong case for the importance of everyone considering it.

X. M.Ed. Offerings (Michael Bahr)

Dr. Michael Bahr lead a discussion about the expertise of the M.Ed. programs.  Dr. Bahr will convene a smaller group of faculty to meet and discuss specific ideas indemnified by the faculty and staff. 

College Forum

XI. Reports from Faculty on campus-wide and University-wide committees

- No Report


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