Faculty Assembly
I. Report from Interim Dean – Ann Taylor
Dean Taylor was congratulated for being appointed the Dean of the College of Education by the faculty and staff.
Dean Taylor announced that the final stage of the UMSL and UM-System strategic planning is approaching. President Choi provided a template for the plan which include five compacts. Each campus was directed to complete their draft plan by December 22, 2017, and the draft is available on the Academic Affairs website. Dean Taylor added that a large portion of our meeting will provide feedback and sharing ideas about the UMSL Draft Strategic Plan.
Dean Taylor introduced Dr. Todd Swanstrom, E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor in Community Collaboration and Public Policy, and Karl Guenther, Community Development Specialist, to present the UMSL Anchor Institutions.
Dr. Swanstrom and Mr. Guenther gave a presentation on UMSL as Anchor Institution. Anchor Institutions are place-based entities such as universities and hospitals that are tied to their surroundings by mission, invested capital, or relationships to customers, employees, and vendors. These local human and economic relationships link institution well-being to that of the community in which it is anchored. Anchor Institutions are consciously applying their long-term, place-based economic power, in combination with their human and intellectual resources, to better the long-term welfare of the communities in which they reside.
II. Report from CPCQ - Michael Bahr
Dr. Michael Bahr announced that the following program and course proposal were approved.
- ELE ED 6241: Science Content, Inquiry-Based Instruction, and Assessment: STEM-Integrated Pedagogy
- Proposal for Learning Community (Ed.D.)
Doctoral Dissertation and Travel Grant Subcommittee:
Dr. Bahr announced that the Doctoral Dissertation Travel Grant applications spring deadline is February 12.
Doctoral Program Subcommittee:
No report.
Education Certification Subcommittee:
No report.
III. Report from Faculty Affairs Council - Rocco Cottone
Dr. Rocco Cottone announced that the Tenure and Promotion guidelines template is on the college Google team drive for review, and he asked faculty to discuss the guidelines at their department meetings and submit their feedback by March 15.
IV. Report from the Chairs – Donald Gouwens and Nancy Singer
Dr. Bahr announced for Don Gouwens that there will be two School Psychology candidates for campus visits.
Dr. Nancy Singer announced that the Chairs are at the end of completing the faculty annual review process. There are looking at a February 1 deadline to have them out to faculty.
V. Finance-HR – Tina Hyken
- No report
VI. Professional Learning and Innovation – Kathleen Fink
- No report
VII. Faculty Senate Report-Brenda Bredemeier
- No report
VIII. Dean’s Committee on Social Justice – Theresa Coble and Timothy Makubuya
Dr. Theresa Coble announced that there are five subcommittee that relates to community engagement and outreach. Dr. Coble stated that if you are interested in any of these topics please attend the meetings.
- Community Engagement & Outreach/Collabitat
- Curriculum/Training with COE
- Student Association + Cultural Group
- Conference Speakers/Training/Workshops
- Rapid Response Team
IX. Enrollment – Shawn Woodhouse
Dean Taylor announced that the COE enrollment is 0.5 % up, with UMSL overall enrollment down by 1.6%. Dean Taylor congratulated everyone who was involved in this accomplishment.
X. M.Ed. Offering-Michael Bahr
Dr. Michael Bahr lead a discussion about the expertise of the M.Ed. programs. Dr. Bahr will convene a smaller group of faculty to meet and discuss specific ideas indemnified by the faculty and staff.
College Forum
XI. Reports from Faculty on campus-wide and University-wide committees
- No report
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