Faculty Assembly
I. Report from Dean Taylor
Dean Taylor stated that our faculty and staff are committed to enrollment. The College promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in this region. Dean Taylor asked the assembly to get into groups and discuss what they believe in the following questions:
- Why do you think we are #1 in the region?
- What can we do more in the region?
- When are you going to tell other people that fact?
- We work with a wide range of teacher and students in the region.
- We have the resources for non-tradition students.
- We have quality diverse programs and transforming lives.
- We have a commitment to follow through with students and programs.
- We are affordable and accessible.
Dean Taylor announced that she was selected to be on the Chancellor Search Committee. The UM System selected 14 members to serve on the committee. There will be 4 candidates selected for a full-day campus interview.
Dean Taylor announced that the Emerson Search Committee will offer the top two candidates a position.
Dean Taylor also announced that we are waiting for feedback from the Fishers candidate.
Dr. Gouwens added that the search committee will interview for the NTT Sport Management position.
Dean Taylor welcomed the following new staff to the college.
- Jahnea Latham, Business Support Specialist
- Erika Rose, Student Support Specialist
Dean Taylor announced that Dr. Ruth Schumacher Martinez will be leaving the College of Education for a position at a school district.
Dean Taylor announced that UMSL sponsored the Black Male Educators event held in the Touhill Performance Art Center. Two COE alumni started a meeting to discuss the state of black educators in St. Louis. This event grew into 400 attendees.
II. Report from CPCQ – Dr. Michael Bahr
Dr. Bahr announced that there will be over 30 course proposals emailed to everyone this week.
CPCQ December 2019 meeting:
Program and Course Proposals
- Approved the proposal for the Applied Behavior Analysis Program (new program)
- Approved changes to the Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Approved the proposal for the Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate (new program)
- Approved the proposal for EDUC 7200: English Academic Support (new course: previously tabled)
Doctoral Program subcommittee (Dr. Woodhouse) – no report
Dissertation Travel Grants subcommittee (Dr. Shuls)
You will receive an email about the following scholarships:
- Doctoral Student Conference Presentation and Dissertation Expense Scholarships
- The John A. Henschke Scholarship
Dr. Shuls also asked faculty to submit nominations for the Dissertation of the Year Award.
Certification subcommittee (Dr. Smith Sodey) – no report
III. Report from FAC – Dr. Jerome Morris
Dr. Morris introduced Dr. Emily Brown for the faculty research spotlight. Dr. Brown presented on “Preparing Teacher Candidates for Trauma – Informed Practices.”
IV. Report from Faculty Support and Engagement – Dr. April Regester
Dr. Regester announced that there will be two more research series-March 4 and April 1, also, the Research Symposium will be held on March 18. Dr. Regester is asking faculty to send their names to her if they want to present at the symposium as well as informing her if they have published a book. Dean Taylor added that the college will have a celebration and book author event on April 15.
V. Report from Dean’s Committee on Social Justice (Chauna Ross and Princess Davis)
Chauna Ross announced that the committee draft a Strategy Action Plan for African American Students. Right now, it is in the consultation stage of development.
VI. Report from Chairs (Dr. Donald Gouwens and Dr. Nancy Singer)
No report.
VII. Report from Faculty Senate (Cody Ding, James Shuls, and Natalie Bolton)
No report.
VIII. Report from Finance-HR (Tina Hyken)
No report.
IX. Report from Student Services, Recruitment, and Retention (Dr. Ellen Meadows)
Dr. Ellen Meadow announced that 130 undergraduate, 130 graduates, 68 Teaching 12, and 60 TFA for Initial Teaching Certificates. This is increased by TAC completers of about 30 per year for Initial Certificates.
Dr. Vanessa Garry (in her absence) reported that there are three things RARSFA is working on related to retention.
- Connecting with students with scholarships early who are at-risk of passing courses and making certain they are working with their advisor. This is important because due to the lag time between the distribution of grades in May and early enrollment for summer classes, at-risk students likely enrolled in summer courses before notification of their status.
- Research shows that mid-term grades informs students of their progress. The administration is interested in surveying faculty and getting their input on submitting mid-term grades. The idea is to start with undergraduates first.
- UMSL, like most universities, is replacing the term general education with exploratory pathways. It is the current trend in higher education. UMSL’s colleges already had input into what comprise these pathways and will continue to provide input.
X. Other Report/Committees:
Dean Taylor announced the RNL contract with Teach in 12 is not working; therefore, we are cancelling it and asking for a refund. Also, COE is not on the first round of the UM System eLearning list.
Dean Taylor announced that the college is hiring a new graduated-level advisor.
Dr. Amber Candela announced that the faculty received an email from EdWeek offering three weeks of full access to Education Week which will cost a fee of $3,500 per year. Dr. Candela is asking faculty if they are interested please let her know.
Dr. Katie O’Daniels announced that she and Jennifer Bumble are the UMSL Engagement Council Representatives. The grants for engagement-related work are RFP engagement Projects and RFP for Professional Development in Engagement. The Engagement portal for the UM System link will be emailed to the college.
XI. Other Business:
Dean Taylor introduced our guest speaker Marlo Goldstein Hode, Sr. Manager, Strategic Diversity Initiatives. Dr. Goldstein Hode discussed the Diversity and Inclusion courses offered at the university.
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