Faculty Assembly
I. Report from Interim Dean – Ann Taylor
Dean Taylor announced that she invited Dr. Charles Pearson, Superintendent, Normandy School District, to speak to the College to give an update of Normandy Schools.
Dean Taylor introduced Deborah Burris, committee co-chair of Proposition N (Normandy bond issue will be on the April 4 ballot election), to speak about Normandy bond issues.
Deborah Burris announced the Proposition N Bond Issue is supported by the Normandy Collaborative and it is an initiative to raise money to improve the environment for the students of the Normandy School District. The bond issue will generate 23 million dollars, and it will not need a tax increase.
Dean Taylor announced that this is the season of budget. She and Tina have spent a lot of time on the budget and there will be a different way of thinking about money and costs.
II. Report of the Faculty Affairs Council – Rocco Cottone
Dr. Rocco Cottone presented the COE Resolution proposed by the FAC.
Document was sent electronically and distributed.
Call for the question.
A motion was made to addend the COE Resolution with the omission everything except the first and last sentences. Second. Motion approved.
A motion to send the COE Resolution back to the FAC to revise and bring it back to the faculty. Second. Motion approved.
III. Report of the Graduate Education Council – Donald Gouwens
Motion was made to approve new courses:
- ECH ED 6412A: Foundations of Early Childhood Education: History, Philosophy and Current Trends
- ECH ED 6412B: Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Practice & Application
- ED ADM 6901: Elementary School Principal Field Experience
- ED ADM 6902: Secondary School Principal Field Experience
- ED ADM 6903: Superintendent Field Experience
- ED ADM 6904: Special Education Director Field Experience
- ED ADM 6905: Private School Leadership Field Experience
Motion approved.
Motion was made to make the course changes:
- SPC ED 6412B: Psychology of Exceptional Children: Exceptionality and Special Education title changed to Psychology of Exceptional Children: Inclusive Classrooms, course description, and credit hour changed from 3 to 1.
Motion approved.
Dr. Gouwen added that March will be the last month to add courses to UMSL Bulletin for the next academic year.
IV. Report of the Teacher Education, EPIR – April Regester
Motion was made to approve the following course changes:
- SEC ED 4985: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Life Sciences, change course description, prerequisites, and credit hours from 3 to 4.
- EDUC 1000: Building Community, Culture, and Learning in Education, breaking course into 3 one-hour courses, and added cultural diversity requirements
- TCH ED 3313: Psychology of the Exceptional Child, drop course
- TCH ED 3315: Literacy Learning and Instruction, drop course
Motion approved.
Motion was made to add a Minor in Exercise Science (existing courses only).
Motion approved.
V. Faculty Senators (Bredemeier, Husbye, Cochran, and Kashubeck-West)
Dr. Susan Kashubeck-West clarified that the Faculty Senator policy states that one faculty senate representative per department and one at-large representative. Dr. Kashubeck also added that she will ask the Faculty Senator how representatives are decided.
VI. Doctoral Program – Bill Kyle
Dr. Bill Kyle announced that the STEM cohort will launch in the fall 2017.
VII. Report from the Chairs – Donald Gouwens and Nancy Singer
Dr. Nancy Singer announced that Teach in 12 campaign launched on February 13, 2017, and we have 49 students committed to the program.
Dr. Donald Gouwens announced that Faculty Self Evaluations are due March 1, 2017.
VIII. School Leadership Program – James Shuls
Dr. James Shuls announced that applications for the School Leadership program are due on April 1, 2017. They are launching an Ed.S. program in the fall 2017.
IX. Enrollment-Advising – Shawn Woodhouse
Dr. Shawn Woodhouse announced that the Enrollment Management Committee met yesterday, and it was noted that student groups that are growing most rapidly are graduate students, minorities, international students and adult/online students.
The OASIS Office is continuing to focus on admitted but not enrolled students, and your department chairs will be discussing with faculty strategies for personal outreach efforts for this group of students. The campus also wants faculty to become involved in new student orientation. Dr. Nancy Singer will meet with Eboni Sterling, academic advisor, to discuss the logistics of new student orientation and any assistance that any of you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Of approximately 50 undergraduate students who were admitted but not enrolled, only 10-15 students enrolled when they last checked enrollments for this group.
X. Announcements
Dr. Marvin Berkowitz introduced Dr. Elda Millan, Character Education visiting scholar. Dr. Millan is a professor of History Education at Central University Villanueva, Madrid, Spain. Dr. Millan interests are history and philosophy of education, especially in moral philosophy (virtue ethics).
Dr. Emily Oliveira announced that the Counseling and Social Advocacy Center will start offering support groups for students, faculty, and staff who are experiencing distress or anxiety related to the current state of the country.
Lynn Navin announced that the Child Development Center will have their annual Trivia Night on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at the St. Ann Catholic Church at 7 p.m. The fundraiser will be used to invest in equipment for the Child Development Center.
Dean Ann Taylor recognized staff for their services at the University:
- Erika Cotton (5 years)
- Kris East (5 years)
- Becky Mottl (10 years)
- Lynn Navin (25 years)
College Forum
XII. Reports from Faculty on campus-wide and University-wide committees
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