Publication notice and directions for visitors of the 2020 AAQEP Quality Assurance Report (QAR) for the Teacher Preparation Program at UMSL's College of Education.

November 2, 2020 COE Administrator

Welcome and thank you for your interest in our Quality Assurance Report of the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education at the University of Missouri—St. Louis. Our Teacher Education Program offers undergraduate and graduate degrees to prospective PK-12 teachers. The Quality Assurance Report (or QAR) overviews our Teacher Education Program and provides evidence for meeting the standards of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). The information below provides information for accessing and navigating the QAR.

Requesting Access

While the outcomes and goals of the QAR will be published and tracked here on the COE Exchange, the QAR itself is designed for trained AAQEP site reviewers, designated local practitioners, and participating College of Education faculty, staff and stakeholders. If you are interested in gaining access to the QAR, please complete the form below and you will be notified with further instructions within one to two business days.

Request Access


A good deal of effort was spent to make the QAR as intuitive as possible to navigate while still providing a rich user experience, balanced with the necessary security.  What follows is a brief tutorial on how to navigate the QAR.

Primary Menu

Along the top of the site you will find the top-level navigation broken down by the standards, aspects, and appendices detailed in the 2020 AAQEP Guide to Accreditation. In smaller viewports (mobile and tablets) this menu will contract into a mobile-friendly 'hamburger' commonly found in modern websites. Click to disclose the full primary menu.

Top-Level Pages

Each of the top-level pages (parents) for the standards and appendix consist of tiles for the standard's aspects or appendices (see example below).  Click anywhere on these tiles to proceed to the desired aspect or appendix.  Alternately, you may use the primary menu (see above) to jump anywhere in the QAR.


All pages (except the home page) have breadcrumbs toward the upper-left of the page allowing you to ascend from a child aspect or appendix to its parent. You may also click on the 'home' icon to return to the QAR's landing page.

Page-to-Page Navigation

You will also notice navigation arrows floating to the left and right of every standard, aspect, and appendix (see example below). Using these arrows will allow you to sequentially page through the site as you would a paper report. That is, Home  Standard 1  Standard 1: Aspect A  Standard 1: Aspect B, etc.

Narrative Links

Throughout the QAR's narrative, multiple items are hyperlinked. Clicking on these links will never navigate you away from your position in the QAR. The link will either: 1) Open a new tab or window or 2) Reveal an in-page window (otherwise known as a modal).  In each case, simply close the window or tab to return to your place in the QAR's narrative.

Embedded Document Objects

In developing the QAR, our design philosophy was to minimize —as much as possible— the necessity to navigate away from the narrative to examine external data or documents.  Toward that end, relevant charts, maps, and tables are always present within the narrative flow. These charts and tables are, of course, derived from larger source datasets.  You will find links to these source datasets in our Fundamental Tables (see following section for details).

Additionally, PDF, Word, and Google Docs/Sheets are frequently embedded within the narrative allowing the reader to examine them without needing to navigate away from the site.  These embedded documents each have their own controls to adjust magnification, download , go full-screen , or open in a new window/tab .

Note: The reader will need to hover over the upper portion on the embedded media to reveal document controls.  Otherwise, they will be hidden for unobstructed viewing.

Fundamental Tables + Quick Links

In the site footer, you will find two listings: Fundamental Tables and Quick Links.  These are aggregated links chosen from the QAR's narrative to be always available no matter what page you are on.

  • Fundamental Tables: With the exception of the Glossary and Data Methodologies, links referenced in this listing are to the external source datasets from which narrative charts, maps, and tables are derived.
  • Quick Links: This is a listing of select web pages most relevant to this QAR

A Note on Responsive Web Design

The QAR was designed using the latest Twitter Bootstrap; a common design framework allowing the same site content to rendered most ideally given the viewport allowed by your device.  That is to say, whether you are on a full workstation, tablet, or phone, the site will do its best to deliver the optimal experience.

That said, given the nature of this report, we highly recommend using a full-size monitor or laptop.  While the site will adapt content to fit tablets and phones, the optimal viewing experience will be in larger formats.